Dynamically Illuminated Electric Violin
I was asked many times to design and construct an instrument, which not only sounds great, but can charm the audience with its appearance. I resisted it for a long time, but I finally gave in. I invited people to cooperate, who helped me complete this project. I am presenting an instrument that sounds the same as the previous STATKIEWICZ.VIOLIN designs, but its body was partly made of acrylic glass, in which we placed illuminating elements controlled by a specially programmed microcontroller. The lighting system has been programmed in such a way that its control is very simple. Both systems (preamplifier and backlight) have independent power supplies. The weight of the instrument is 950g.
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Many musicians contact us who would like us to build an absolutely unique instrument for them.
Ideas for personalizing an electric violin are very diverse. Some people want their logo or name to be permanent. Others ask to post graphics or photos of a loved one. Violinists often ask for their favorite mineral or jewelry pieces to be set.
Zwraca się do mnie wielu muzyków, którzy chcieliby żeby zbudować im instrument absolutnie niepowtarzalny. Pomysły na personalizacie skrzypiec elektrycznych bywają bardzo różne. Jedni chcą miec trwale umieszczone swoje logo lub imię. Inni proszą o zamieszczenie grafiki, zdjęcia ukochanej osoby. Często skrzypkowie proszą o osadzenie ulubionego minerału lub elementów biżuterii.
Even though we call this model of electric violin a classic, choosing this option also allows the violinist to decide on certain elements. We call this violin a classic electric violin, but at the stage of their construction, the violinist can decide on the color of the wood and the color of the resin fillings. Of course, this is not possible with already finished violins, but when the violinist agrees to wait for another copy, can decide on these things without additional fees.
Pomimo, że ten model skrzypiec elektrycznych nazywamy klasycznym, to również wybór tej opcji pozwala skrzypkowi na zdecydowanie o pewnych elementach. Te szkrzypce nazywamy klasycznymi skrzypcami elektrycznymi, ale na etapie ich budowy skrzypek może zdecydować o kolorze drewna oraz kolorze wypełnień żywicą. Nie jest to oczywiście możliwe w skrzypcach już gotowych, ale kiedy skrzypek zgadza sie poczekać na kolejny egzemplarz, może o tych rzeczach zdecydować bez dodatkowych opłat.
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by Michał Statkiewicz | mobile +48 507130055 | e-mail: statkiewicz.violin(at)gmailcom